Friday, May 14, 2010


Approximately what percentage of men have a heavy left foot on the rudder pedal?


  1. Assuming this isn't a trick question, and that a left handed person is more likely to be left footed I'd say approximately 20% - which corresponds to the overall percentage of left handed people in the world.

  2. I have a heavy left foot and I'm not left handed. So I am guessing that this is not related to left handedness. So I am guessing more than half of men have a heavy left foot... 55%

  3. Maybe Herb is a latent left hander he just needs the courage to come out of the closet :-)

  4. well... I have finally gotten over sinistrophobia. Please all join me as I celebrate freedom from being constrained by right handedness. I am looking forward to August 13th....
