Monday, November 19, 2012

Good Bye to the Airship

No longer will we be sharing the sky with Airship Ventures' airship. Occasionally one would see if slowly making its way up and down the peninsula. As of November 14th the company has ceased operations.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Its a two way street

I happened to be at MHR yesterday for a visit off airport. When I returned to the FBO I saw two buses parked outside. I thought to myself, wow I wonder if this is some special group departing from the FBO. Maybe some sports team or maybe even the latest music group that I would have no clue about. As I was walking into the FBO it was crowded with a group of mostly older men dressed in non-descript work clothes. Then I caught a glimpse of a logo, PG&E. These 100 workers were being staged to go back to help with restorations of the aftermath of the devastation from Sandy. Walking out to the ramp I saw at least 5 news trucks all capturing this news worthy event. Shortly thereafter I was headed out taxing to the runway when it was overheard the ground controllers wondering what all the activity was about. My right seat heard the talk and communicated back that all the commotion was for the PG&E workers flying out to help out in the aftermath of the Hurricane. It was interesting to note that often times I think the controllers know everything that is going on but in this case they had no clue… so it is indeed a two way street.. pilots know things that the controllers don’t and we should never assume that the controllers are these all knowing voices in our heads.