Thursday, June 3, 2010


QOD #21:
When practicing engine failure procedures in the pattern (short approach), sometimes 200 feet + 200 feet = more than 400 feet. How is that possible?

Question 20 goes to Julia. Current standings:

Herb 10
Faria 5
Luke 2
Julia 2


  1. Usually someone has answered already, however it would not be fair for me to answer as Patti and I practiced this. I'll give a hint as to the reason; think of part of the name of a few of the legs of the pattern.

  2. I am going to say 200 + 200 = more than 400 feet because of the impact headwind or tailwind have on the plane's path/distance over the ground. With respect to judging the short approach pattern to fly, it will need to be adjusted to compensate for the wind. If there is a strong headwind and the pattern is not adjusted, one might find being low because of the extended downwind and headwind on final.
