Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yay! Question 19 finally got an answer and the final point goes to Julia.

QOD 20: What is the Summer Solstice and what are one or two reasons why pilots care about it?

Herb 10
Faria 5
Luke 2
Julia 1


  1. It's when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky and the earths axial tilt is closest to the sun and its important because its the day of the year with the longest amount of sun. Meaning more time to fly! Then afterwards I think days get shorter. Its supposed to be June 21st I think.

  2. This year it is on June 20th.

    The interesting thing to note is that even though it is the longest day, summer solstice does not necessarily correspond to the latest sunset. It looks like for SQL the latest sunset occurs June 28-30th at 8:34pm...

    Another reason to care about it is that it generally is the time of year that is associated with seasons changing. The start of summer which introduces a change in weather and weather patterns. Pilots care about weather.

    But maybe the real answer is there some secret pilot festival that always occurs on summer solstice and we have to figure out where that is??????
