Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Agh! Almost forgot...

List three reasons why it's a good idea to overfly the runway during your approach to a non-towered airport.


  1. 1. It allows you to observe the current conditions on the runway...e.g. is it temporarily closed because of an aircraft incident, is there a displaced threshold
    2. It allows you to observe the departure end of the runway so you can identify any obstructions that you need to be aware of as well as identify an emergency landing location in case of engine failure on takeoff
    3. It allows you to better determine the traffic flow since from overhead you can view the segmented circle to validate the traffic pattern for each runway and hopefully check out the windsock to determine the runway that should be used. Also flying perpendicular to the runway gives you a good advantage point to see traffic from both runway directions.

  2. 1. Check the wind conditions
    2. Check for wild life/debris
    3. Check for traffic
