Friday, October 18, 2013

Antennas - VOR in particular

I have flown mostly in 172s that all have two communication radios and two navigation radios. I have been accustomed to noting that there were two communication radio antennas on top of the aircraft and what I thought were two navigation radio antennas in a V-shape on the vertical stabilizer, i.e. one antenna for each Nav radio. A few weeks back I was looking at a 152 and its antennas. The 152 had one comm radio and one nav radio. Correspondingly it had only one comm antenna mounted on top of the aircraft but it still had the two antennas on the vertical stabilizer in a V-shape. I originally thought that maybe these antennas were installed in the case that an additional nav radio might be installed. After doing some additional research I found that the V shaped antenna is actually not two separate antennas but one antenna called a dipole. The dipole is a specific design for an antenna that consists of two identical elements that are joined in the center and feed a single radio or in the case of the 172s with two nav radios the antenna feeds both nav radios.
Comm Antennas
Nav Antennas

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